Running a small business is one of the toughest journeys on which to embark. Not only do you struggle with all the challenges of a larger business but in addition you have no history, limited business credibility, no support from traditional financing sources and often, limited expertise. And limited cash flow often prevents you from being able to engage the talent that can help you to succeed.
You are not alone!
Stairway First Steps gives you cost effective access to a team of qualified and experienced allies for less money than you would think.
- Business finance seminars
- Budget development
- Cash-flow consulting
- Financing applications
- Statutory filings & tax clean up (GST, PST, WCB etc.)
- Bookkeeping catch up
- Bookkeeping training
- Bookkeeping review (pre-accountant clean-up)
- Receivables management
- Simply Accounting consultant
- Controller on call
- Remedial sales & marketing coaching
- Executive coaching
- Stairway Professionals Network